
Around the World in X Wikipedia Articles

Around the World in X Wikipedia Articles, de Kevan Davis, es una "novela" creada automáticamente mediante un algoritmo que combina frases  encontradas en la Wikipedia que hablen de viajes. Imita a La vuelta al mundo en 80 días  logrando encadenar las frases encontradas de manera aleatoria para que al final haya un relato de viaje que comienza y termina en Londres.

La "novela" recorre 1611 lugares y tiene 117.000 palabras. Un fragmento como ejemplo:

Moving on, we arrived at Menomonee Valley. My guidebook claimed it was also a primary source of pollution for the river. Passepartout asked me if it was established by Jacques Vieau in 1795, but I did not know. We visited the Milwaukee Road. We considered its photogenic design. Passepartout was unimpressed by the company's vast collection of historic motorcycles and corporate archives. It was within convenient distance of Lake Michigan and other waterways. We noted Milwaukee's dominant German immigrant population.

Moving on, we arrived at Marquette University. If I remembered correctly, this was founded by John Martin Henni. Passepartout said it was named after 17th century missionary and explorer Father Jacques Marquette. We visited stadiums for the track and field. Passepartout remembered it becoming affiliated with a local medical school. We enjoyed theater and performs in a traditional theater setting. 

We joined some tourists who were admiring the student body of about 12,000. Did it motivate and enable low-income and first generation students? We were not sure. I found and admired the university's College of Communication. We made full benefit of members with an opportunity to develop and share musical talents through participation in a large-group setting. Things were different after the university purchased it for use as graduate apartments.

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