


AIWriter es una aplicación en línea que pretende poder escribir informes y artículos técnicos sobre un tema cualquiera. Eso sí, en inglés. Genera entre 500 y 1200 palabras. Hay una versión de prueba y otra de pago. Es preciso registrarse para usarlo. Puede utilizarse desde este enlace.

En general, genera frases inteligibles y bien formateadas gramaticalmente aunque, en ocasiones, esto no es así. Otra cosa, es la coherencia y sentido común de lo escrito. En las pruebas que he realizado, el resultado final es un galimatías aparentemente racional pero que, en realidad, no dice nada. El sistema parece detectar correctamente la materia sobre la que se le ha pedido escribir pero va añadiendo frases genéricas de esa materia que no tienen mucho que ver con el título.

Así, por ejemplo, le he pedido que escriba un artículo con el título "Chord Progressions in Beethoven's Symphonies".  AIWriter devuelve un texto que sí habla de música y de Beethoven, pero sin sentido interno. Mezcla frases que corresponden a la 3ª, 5ª y 9ª sinfonías pero sin ningún hilo conductor entre ellas, añadiendo frases genéricas sobre armonía y algunas líneas ininteligibles. Más que un generador que utilice reglas de inteligencia artificial parece un mezclador de frases sueltas de un corpus almacenado en una base de datos dirigido por el reconocimiento de palabras clave.

Incluso, indica que genera el texto para que no pueda ser detectado como copia y pega de artículos de Internet. Ideal para estudiantes que no quieran trabajar y esperen ingenuamente engañar a profesores que ni lean lo escrito.

# Chord Progressions In Beethoven's Symphonies

Beethovens Ninth Symphony is d minor, and along with a decent number of Ds, it has plenty of Bs. Beethoven opens with two large chords, which is a change from his previous two symphonies, which began with nearly a minute of musical rambling. In C minor, finger 5 is placed over the C-mid, the pattern is C, Eb twice, followed by F and G. When playing the G, you use your fret hand to fret down to a B-natural under it, which is the chord with the 2nd fret. Keeping RH G at the bottom, take the two notes at the top and drop down to Eb and C -- the reversed C minor chord. The right-hand next chord will be in C octave with an F# at its center, and the left-hand playing Ab octave with C at its center. We are going to do this chord again, but we are going to bring in finger 5, so finger 5 is at the F. The notes are G, D, and F, and you are going to play this on the 3rd fret, and then your left hand is going to play a G octave with that.

If C major is your root key, the five-note-high (C-D-E-F-G) G major chord is a chord of tension, while a C major chord is one of stability and release. This process of tension-releasing through fifth-dropping chords is what sets up the musical key in the first place. A center chord is surrounded by other chords all falling by fifths.

In the following example, each note in the chord resolves as if it were the 7th of the chord, falling by a half step down to the root of a dominant seventh chord. In the following example from the second movement of Beethovens Fifth Symphony, Beethoven modulates from C major to E minor by enharmonically reinterpreting the chord (left.textE circ 7 right.) in C ((left.textVIII circ 7 middle/textIV right.)) as (left.textVIII circ 4_2 right.) in a ((left.textG(left.textG circ right.) as (left.textVie circ right.) as (left.circ circ circcirc


It was later, during the later Romantic era (mid-1800s to 20th century), that composers began to lengthen and expand their chord progressions and take listeners on long, amusical journeys.a But even in those musically complex days of composers like Richard Strauss and Claude Debussy, their chord progressions still worked, just with more twists and turns that made the journeys more interesting. If classical composers were to innovate too much with how their chord progressions worked, music would fall flat. If you wanted something from Beethoven or any of those guys, the Pop Music kind of thinking is simply not going to get you there.

Otro ejemplo. El título solicitado fue "Dark matter near a relativistic accelerated Black Hole" y la respuesta fue la siguiente con las mismas características que en el caso anterior: 

# Dark Matter Near A Relativistic Accelerated Black Hole

ESAs Euclid mission, which will explore the dark universe with greater fidelity than ever before, may have a role in trying to pinpoint the original black holes as candidates for dark matter. A group of astronomers has suggested black holes have existed since the dawn of the universe, and these primordial black holes may be as-yet-unexplained dark matter themselves.

Below, we discuss candidate candidates for the luminous dark matter that can be produced around black holes, and assess their fluxes. Machos (massive compact halo objects) are dark matter candidates composed of compact objects like black holes, neutron stars, white dwarfs, very faint stars, or objects with no light signature, like planets. 

At the Galactic Center in the Milky Way Galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy has a supermassive black hole of mass (4times 106 M_odot) that powers the compact radio source Sgr A*, which is approximately 8 kmc from Earth,[174,175] which may be a possible source for dark matter flux.

Recent high-resolution imaging studies of stars in the centre of our Galaxy have produced compelling dynamical evidence of central dark matter concentration, which established our galaxy as the strongest case for a galaxy that contains a central supermassive black hole (1, 2). In principle, since dark matter densities are so enormous (inside a supermassive black hole, or even an intermediate-mass black hole of a hundred-to-a-million times that of the Sun), there is the possibility that the annihilation rate of particles of dark matter would be accelerating, so much so that it would pump enough energy outwards, beyond the horizon, so as to form an unknown matter known as the dark. The increase in the mass of the black holes therefore increases the rate at which the energy-dark energy-matter is annihilated within the horizon. However, the black-body radiation also transports entropy, and under common  assumptions, one can show that the sum of entropy of matter surrounding a black hole and of the horizons area, measured in Planck units, is indeed always increasing.

For the first case, Draco may be hosting a middle-mass black hole, even though dark matter is composed of heat remnants. The black holes accretion disc may have higher temperatures generated from higher accretion rates, so dark particles/axions may be generated in that environment. A keV environment could produce an axion/dark photon flux, as calculated in [28,59], by several processes.

Acceleration vectors are, in principle, a finer instrument than velocity vectors to investigate properties of central dark masses. A small fraction of black-hole binaries also expel matter relativistically into two opposing jets, which are observed in radio bands, because the nodes are moving apart at superluminal speeds.

Stars will begin to form around the black holes, creating solar systems and galaxies in a billion years. The analogy was completed when Steven Hawking showed in 1974 that quantum field theory implies black holes must radiate as blackbodies, with temperatures proportional to the surface gravity of the black hole, foreshadowing an effect that is now known as Hawking radiation.


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