
Talk to Transformer

Talk to Transformer, de Adam King, es un sistema de generación automática de texto basado en redes neuronales. Basado en el sistema desarrollado por OpenAI y en el concepto de Transformer, es necesario introducir una semilla, una frase inicial, a partir de la cual, el generador produce un párrafo completo.

Funciona en Chrome y da respuestas coherentes si la semilla está en inglés.

Por ejemplo, con la frase inicial "Once upon a time there was a King living in a far country" (Había una vez un rey que vivía en un país lejano), la frase generada es:

Once upon a time there was a King living in a far country called Engeland. His Queen was called Mary, and in her service to him was a daughter, the Queen being therefore called Alice. The son of this King was called Edmund; and as soon as he had a mind to do something of the kind, the Queen sent to him and told him that the Queen was going to go abroad to her country and countrypeople and beg for a certain quantity of cakes, so as they might be presented at the time when the Queen's Majesty should return and take up her residence. Edmund did as he was told, and set forth upon his journey. But the Queen could not come to Nottingham, where she had been regularly accustomed to abode in, but had rather...

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