
The Reader Series

Andrew Uchin expone en la galería digital DNJ, una serie de experimentos a base de libros en papel titulado The Reader Series. Unos trabajos que muestran las relaciones emocionales que los humanos establecen con los libros impresos tradicionales en los que ya no sólo importa el texto sino las notas, las dedicatorias, la forma en que las cubiertas se deterioran y que significan algo o evocan algún evento al propietario del volumen, etc. Una relación que es difícil de conseguir con un dispositivo electrónico.

Copio la propia percepción del artista sobre su obra:

...is a photographic exploration of the book as physical form, cultural marker, and visual word poem. My approach to artistic process is conceptual in structure but intuitively based and reflects a personal relationship with the subject that I am photographing. At its core, this series of photographs reflects my long-standing fascination with the visual display of language, from the style of type fonts to the printed word.

Books speak about the culture and time in which they are created. Their current use and valuation reflects contemporary concerns about information media and technology. As books age and deteriorate they mirror our own physical issues of age and decay. The text on the spine, cover or title page when highlighted becomes a poignant story about time, place and meaning.

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