
Conference on Hypertext and Social Media


A final de este mes, concretamente entre el 28 de Junio y el 1 de Julio, se celebrará en Barcelona la edición 2022 de la Conferencia sobre Hipertexto y Social Media que llega ya a su 33ª edición. Se realiza en conjunción con otros dos grandes eventos, la ACM WebSci 2022 y la ACM UMAP 2022.

Como viene siendo habitual tras el inicio de la pandemia en este tipo de Congresos, los trabajos y conferencias serán en parte presenciales y, en parte, por teleconferencia.

Los artículos admitidos para ser presentados en la programación oficial son:

*ADAGIO – Automated Data Augmentation of Knowledge Graphs Using Multi-expression Learning, por Kevin Dreßler, Mohamed Ahmed Sherif y Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo

*Characterizing Vaccination Movements on YouTube in the United States and Brazil, por Marcelo Sartori Locatelli, Josemar Caetano, Wagner Meira Jr. y Virgilio Almeida

*Cross-Lingual Query-Based Summarization of Crisis-Related Social Media: An Abstractive Approach Using Transformers, por Fedor Vitiugin y Carlos Castillo.

*Cross-platform Characterization of Sponsored Content in Social Media, por  Kevin Dreßler, Mohamed Ahmed Sherif y Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo.

*Data Bootstrapping Approaches to Improve Low Resource Abusive Language Detection for Indic Languages, por Mithun Das, Somnath Banerjee y Animesh Mukherjee.

* Enabling Convenient Online Collaborative Writing for Low Vision Screen Magnifier Users, por Hae-Na Lee, Yash Prakash, Mohan Sunkara, I.V. Ramakrishnan y Vikas Ashok.

* Exploring the Feasibility of Crowd-Powered Decomposition of Complex User Questions in Text-to-SQL Tasks, por Sara Salimzadeh, Ujwal Gadiraju, Claudia Hauff y Arie van Deursen.

* Hypertext’s meta-history: Documenting Hypertext’s citations, authors and keyword data from 33 conferences, por Mark Anderson y David Millard

* Is There An Author In This Labyrinth? Hypertext Fiction and Farrell’s Textual Fallacy, por Sam Brooker.

* Kronecker Decomposition for Knowledge Graph Embeddings, por Caglar Demir, Julian Lienen y Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo

* Learning to Adapt Domain Shifts of Moral Values via Instance Weighting, por Xiaolei Huang, Alexandra Wormley y Adam Cohen

* Links Of Darkness: Hypertext And Horror, por Mark Bernstein y Stee McMorris

* SpaceE: Knowledge Graph Embedding by Relational Linear Transformation in the Entity Space, por Jinxing Yu, Yunfeng Cai, Mingming Sun y Ping Li

* The Effect of Recommendation Source and Justification on Professional Development Recommendations for High School Teachers, por Lijie Guo, Christopher Flathmann, Reza Anaraky, Nathan McNeese y Bart Knijnenburg

* The effects of Spatial Visualization versus Ranked Lists on Quality, Time Efficiency, and Interaction, por Daniel Roßner, Claus Atzenbeck y Tom Gross

* The Impact of Non-Verbalization in Think-Aloud: Understanding Knowledge Gain Indicators Considering Think-Aloud Web Searches, por Marcelo Tibau, Sean Wolfgand Matsui Siqueira  y Bernardo Pereira Nunes

* The Magic of Carousels: Comparing the Navigation Power of Multilists and Single Lists in a Recommendation Context, por Behnam Rahdari, Branislav Kveton y Peter Brusilovsky

* Towards Proactively Forecasting Sentence-Specific Information Popularity within Online News Documents, por Sayar Ghosh Roy, Anshul Padhi, Risubh Jain, Manish Gupta y Vasudeva Varm.

Información completa de las conferencias, talleres y exposición en este enlace.

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